
The Dismemberment Plan -- A People's History of the Dismemberment Plan

The Dismemberment Plan -- Change

The Dismemberment Plan/Juno -- Juno & The Dismemberment Plan

The New Project 86 Might Be the Best Album of the Year, and You Are Doing Yourself A Disservice If You Do Not Listen To It, So Click the Link Below And Do It Now, Because If You Don't Nothing Will Happen, But It Would Be Sad If You Never Listened To It, But You Probably Should, Unless You Don't Like Rock Music, In Which Case, What Do You Like, You Crazy Person? Also, Should That Sentence Have Ended In A Question Mark and Had So Many Commas?

The Dismemberment Plan -- Emergency and I

The Dismemberment Plan -- The Ice of Boston

The Dismemberment Plan -- Is Terrified

The Dismemberment Plan -- !

Addendum to My Best of 2011 Music List

Man, I Really Like The Dingees/Man, What the Heck Tyrann Matheiu/Man, I Don't Want to Stop Blogging

The Dingees - the Rebel Soul Sound System