I'm Just Sitting in My Car and Waiting for My Girl

Metaphorically speaking.
Does anyone else get tired of waiting for things?
Why, of course you do!
The worst is when you have to wait for your own self to take action.
That would be me, right now. There are three things that I really need to do this week, and I have not done them, yet. Two of them require confrontation with other people (who I have known for a very long time), which I won't elaborate on out of respect for the people these two situations invovle, though I am pretty sure none of these people read this blog.
The other is taking the GRE. Why haven't I gone, yet? Why am I not going, tomorrow? I guess I am scared I won't do well, and because the test costs so much to take, I am scared of possibly having to spend the money to take it again. I don't know why I am so scared, as I am usually quite good at standardized-type tests, but I keep hearing GRE horror stories.
Is this thing really so hard?
I have been alone in my room a lot, the last two days. I cleaned up and reorganized, then I beat a Super Nintendo game I bought almost three years ago. Since then, I have watched four movies, and read a bit. I had a little company last night, but that is pretty much it.
So anyway, that is what I have been up to. Oh yeah, and I have been writing, a lot. To get into any MFA program, I have to turn in two to three short stories, or a portion of a novel. I am trying to figure out what to send in, and also trying to smooth some of my previous work out.
I can't wait to get "there"...
You'll get "there" but it might happen in a way differently than you planned.
Take it. Take the GRE. No, it's not really so hard (ESPECIALLY if you, too, normally do well on standardized tests) and there is no horror to the danged thing but I do advocate taking it soon out of college. I waited a few years and wish I hadn't but... *shrugs* I did it. And you can do it and, not only will you do it, BUT! you will do it WELL. Let us know when you're doing it and I'll be praying for you about it, okay?
Also, some unasked for help: If you need any editing or critiques, let me know, okay? I'm always interested in reading other writers' works and wouldn't mind it if you so "imposed." *winks* Good luck!
E: That's really encouraging. What type of stories did she send in? I'm really curious about this, now. Who is the publisher? It's not Red Cross itself, is it? That's really an intriguing story, and you must tell me more.
Jess: Thanks so much for the encouragement and prayers! As for part two, be careful what you wish for. You will know what I mean, soon.
Slacker: I agree. Confrontations blow. I wish I could just do whatever I pleased, and people would just consider it acceptable behavior, because actually explaining to people why I have to do things sucks! Yeah, you were right about the GRE, too. I should have prepped. For some reason I had the GRE fever, though, and I just wanted to get that stupid thing over with. To make up for it, this weekend, I'm gonna try to slack like a pro.
Jordan: Thanks for the prayers, and I'll pray for you, too. Tell Ms. Lynn and Corey I said hi. Also, kick Ron. He'll know why. Actually, he won't, and when you do it, tell him Corey made you. This will put even more of the pieces of my plan into place. MWUHAHA!!!