TV Shows in One Sentence

I hate when people generalize or oversimplify things.
That said, here are a bunch of TV Shows' themes summed up in one sentence:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer--Life is hard.

Angel--Don't stop fighting.

The Shield--The wages of sin is death.

Seinfeld--There's a pretty steep price for doing nothing.

Lost--Anyone can be redeemed.

South Park--Seriously, just chill out.

The X-Files--The Truth is the meeting ground of skeptic and believer.

The Sopranos--Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel was just a freight train coming your way.

Frasier--Smart people have problems.

King of the Hill--West side is the best side.

Any other ideas? Corrections? Peanut Butter Jelly Time?


The combo of the Frasier one with the picture is my favorite! Perfection.
Thanks! It looks like his "problem" in this picture is his :

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