Bring Me the Horizon -- There is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It, There is a Heaven, Let's Keep it a Secret

It's been less than a year since I posted a rambling 5/10 review for this album.
Absurdly, I still find myself popping it in from time to time...why? I don't understand it. I hate this band's image. I hate their dumb, profane, narcissistic lyrics. I hate how repetitive some of the songs get, and how some of the four minute tracks seem to go on for four hours. I hate that I've listened to the song "It Never Ends" more than all but five other songs in the last two years.
I mean, look at this dude. He looks like a frat boy from hell. And that stupid, overdramatic intro, and that cheesy choir, and that chopped-up post-chorus, and that pretentious ambient section before the outro...CRAP!!! I'm listening to it again...
2010 Epitaph Records
1. Crucify Me 6:19
2. Anthem 4:49
3. It Never Ends 4:34
4. Fuck 4:55
5. Don't Go 4:58
6. Home Sweet Hole 4:37
7. Alligator Blood 4:31
8. Visions 4:08
9. Blacklist 4:00
10. Memorial 3:09
11. Blessed With a Curse 5:08
12. The Fox and the Wolf 1:42
This stuff absolutely I'ma go listen to it again.
Seriously, if you pull up one of this band's songs on Youtube, and click on any of the recommended videos on the rightt at random, you will have to buy a new keyboard because your current one will be inundated with vomit. I think I listen to it sometimes because it is like that herbal tea that tastes like pee, or that probiotic goat milk that tastes like dirty socks: every now and then I just want something nasty.