So Much for D, and Also, "Why are you giving out so many high scores, reviewer dude?"
Well, that was fun. I just got to spend months reviewing albums by some of my favorite artists. In the process, I gave no less than nine tens. I made that sentence confusing on purpose. Nine tens is a lot, but here's a disclaimer:
These are all my albums. Of course the scores are going to tilt high! I wouldn't have purchased them if I thought I wouldn't like them! The glory of the Internet let's us listen before we buy. I buy things blind sometimes--few things are more rewarding than picking up a mystery album and finding it is a gem--but for the most part, I am reviewing albums that I purchased knowing full well I would like them. That's why my average score is closer to a seven than a five. I'm a tough critic, I'm just reviewing from my favorite pool. There are some fish I'd like to kick out, but for the most part, I really like what I am swimming with. I don't like this analagy. I spelled 'analogy' wrong.
The E's should be short, but interesting. Some less known, but really awesome bands, a few more popular ones, perhaps a video game strangely tossed in, and a very in-depth look at the work of Echo and the Bunnymen, a band not hugely known, but quite important to me. Now here's Kate Middleton, stressing out about corn dogs again.

The E's should be short, but interesting. Some less known, but really awesome bands, a few more popular ones, perhaps a video game strangely tossed in, and a very in-depth look at the work of Echo and the Bunnymen, a band not hugely known, but quite important to me. Now here's Kate Middleton, stressing out about corn dogs again.
