Is It Possible for a Song to Be Too Good?

This Violents' song, "Fireflies," blew my door off about a month ago, and I still can't stop listening to it. As talented as Stacy Dupree-King and her husband, Darren King, are, it is now clear that a lot of Sucré's musical success must be attributed to Violents' mastermind, Jeremy Larson. It is incredible what he is able to accomplish on "Fireflies" with what is mostly only piano and vocals, along with just a bit of strings and a minimal beat and bass presence. And Annie Williams' voice...jeez. I have a serious crush on this song.
Also, in completely unrelated, but equally cool news, I just beat the level "Champion's Road" on my son's Wii U game, Super Mario 3D World. To get an idea of how challenging that level is, here is a video of someone else doing it. I'll post a review of the game on my Wii U review site soon. Also, coming up, a series of seven reviews on a very unexpected Nicperiment musical favorite.


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