Is The Nicsperiment Qualified to Review Classical Music?

Allow me to pontificate.
In the last four years, I have written and published more than 500 music reviews. Roughly 50 of those reviews were for instrumental albums, roughly 35 of which were classical music albums. The majority of those 35, but not all, were film and television scores. I am soon to review nine albums by the film and television composer, Michael Giacchino. In preparation, mainly to check my track titles and running times (yeah, I do that for these), I visited a reading mainstay of mine, Filmtracks is solely operated and maintained by Christian Clemmensen. His reviews are at times laborious, often featuring paragraphs longer than my average reviews, and sentences that make my average sentences not look like run-ons. With that said, Clemmensen is a very talented man, an excellent writer, a clear communicator (sometimes "clear communicator" and "excellent writer" are one in the same), and he has actual experience in the field and study of classical composition. One time I played bass in a punk rock band.
Actually, I'm selling myself short. I am classically trained on piano, I can play both the bass guitar and drums well, I have experience with electronic sound manipulation, I can make people think that I can play the guitar, and I have an actual major in creative writing versus Clemmensen's puny English minor (his major is in Organizational minors are in Film and History. 3>2!...2>1.5?). Even though I am equally qualified to review classical music on paper, when I look at the sheer exhaustive volume of Clemmensen's reviews, and the fact that despite their tome-like word count, not one is wasted, I feel quite intimidated by his body of work. I mean, this guy was one of my inspirations to start reviewing music in the first place.
Nothing like a little motivation.
I'm coming for you, Clemmensen!
Your chin can't save you now!
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As I really want to do right by these admittedly niche reviews, I am guessing my updates for the next month will be sporadic. Also, finals.


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