So Now What Do You Think About Radiohead?

I really like Radiohead. I wasn't sure what to expect going into these reviews because I hadn't recently listened to many of these albums. Thankfully, they not only held up, but the band's newer work shined as well. It's time for my customary Q&A.
You say that the old albums are still good, but that you enjoy Radiohead's newer albums, as well. Rank them according to your own enjoyment.
Wow, you jumped right to the chase. This is going to be tough.
1. Amnesiac
2. Kid A
3. In Rainbows
4. OK Computer
5. A Moon Shaped Pool
6. Hail to the Thief
7. The King of Limbs
8. The Bends
9. Pablo Honey
Wait, The Bends is ranked number eight? That album is a classic! What is wrong with you?
I don't think The Bends is bad. I gave it an 8/10. However, compared to all of the albums that followed it, it is more generic, repetitive, and dated. The mid-90's rock sound isn't as timeless as Radiohead's experimentation in the late 90's and beyond. However, The Bends does have some incredible songs, particularly "Street Spirit (Fade Out)."
Amnesiac at number one? Isn't that the one everybody hates?
It's the one I like the best. Read the review.
Is there anything you feel like you missed getting into your reviews?
Actually, yes. Radiohead have one of the most impressive libraries of B-sides I have ever heard. If you are into collecting CD singles with original artwork and unreleased songs, I particularly recommend tracking down the ones from the Amnesiac era. "Worrywort" and "Fog" in particular, but really most of this band's B-sides are worth listening to from any era, if you can track them down. These little known gems definitely have more of a "the song just didn't fit with the rest of the album, but is still worthy" feel than a "this song sucked, so we didn't put it on the album" one.
Are you full of existential dread?
Sometimes. I was happy to get through the band's mid-career period, despite my love for it, just because it was giving me a bit too much of that. I do feel like what makes Radiohead a great rather than merely good band is their ability to transcend those dread-filled vibes, while lesser bands may simply say, "Hey, we're good at this sad and scary thing...let's just always hang out here." In that way, Radiohead's creative restlessness is a strength rather than a liability.
What's next for the old Nicsperiment? Looks like you've been taking a little bit of a break?
Life definitely becomes hectic in ebbs and flows, and the last few weeks have been a bit noisy. The next band I am reviewing is also quite different from Radiohead, and not necessarily one of my favorites, even though I enjoy a couple of their albums. It's taking me a little while to work up the will to finish them. Then again, those reviews could be my best work. Who knows?
Who knows indeed.
Hey, you're going to spoil who I'm reviewing next!