So Much for R

Poor R! Talk about ending without fanfair. Out of 14 Nicsperiment posts this year, only five are music reviews. Worse still, the letter S is going to feature so many reviews from bands I love, you, R, will likely be greatly overshadowed. To add insult to injury, bands whose albums I only own on vinyl, like Boomer bait The Rolling Stones, didn't even get reviewed. Maybe next time, R! Coming up, S. And a truckload of video game reviews and TV and movie thinkpieces. And some other stuff. Go, 2018, go! Wait, let me make that more regionally effective:
Geaux, 2018, geaux!


Graham Wall said…
I'm looking forward to 'S'! Though I don't know for sure what to expect, it seems like a good first-band-name-letter.
Haha, I hope I meet your expectations!

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