Come Back, The Nicsperiment! Where Did You Go?

You may have noticed that The Nicsperiment has been in one of the slight lulls it's experienced over its 20-year run. The reason this time is simple: for the past month, I've been working two jobs, and I will be for the rest of the summer. Thankfully, this is the result of moving up a bit, while also helping out at my old gig until things are secure there, but my spare time during this period has been close to zero.
That's not to say I won't be doing ANY posting for this month. I'll still be writing reviews for the most recent movies covered by my 90s Movies Podcast, American Beauty and In Dreams. Also, though a day late, I have managed to put in this month's entry for my 25th anniversary rewatch of The Sopranos' first season here:
I'll also ideally be frequently updating my "The Films of 1999" entry, where I am trying to watch as many 1999 films as possible, then writing a short mini-review for each here:
So while the post count may be fairly low for the rest of the summer, I'm still writing here, and I hope you enjoy my work. As always, thank you for reading!


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