
1999 Dimension Films
Directed: Graham Baker; Written by: Mark Leahy and David Chappe (based upon the Olde English epic poem, Beowulf)
Starring: Christopher Lambert, Rhona Mitra, Oliver Cotton, Gotz Otto, Layla Roberts, and Patricia VelásquezMPAA Rating: R; Running Time: 93 Minutes
The Nicsperiment Score: 4/10
In a forlorn castle amid wasted plains, in a post-apocalyptic countryside, something evil lurks. It's killing off the castle residents one by one. Outside the walls, a band of brigands kills anyone who attempts to leave, or enter...until Beowulf comes along. The superhuman warrior handles the brigands with ease. But once he gets inside the castle, can Beowulf destroy the supernatural evil within...or will he be consumed by it? ... ...!
Beowulf is pure, low-budget trash from start to finish. Grime, cleavage, swords, monsters. Christopher Lambert hams it up with his French-accented English, while a busty Rhona Mitra scowls away. The action is nothing special and especially ridiculous. The acting is passable to grim. The vibe is late night, late-90s Sci-Fi Channel. The movie is not very good. I enjoyed it immensely.