It's Skillet Time!

Yep, Skillet. They've hopped genres a seemingly infinite amount of times, gone from Christian rock band underdog, to secular band theater-filler, while still somehow simultaneously being a Christian rock band underdog. The push and pull of my relationship with Skillet's music over these last three decades has been interesting (In no particular order, and also in exact order: "I hate Skillet!" "I like Skillet!" "I really like Skillet!" "Skillet sucks now!" "Wait, Skillet's good again?" "Skillet's good again!" "Bah, forget about Skillet." "Oh, wait, I like Skillet!"). Hopefully interesting enough to get you, the reader, through ten reviews! And a think piece at the end. Yes, a Skillet think piece!
At this rate, my "Every Album I Own" review series may reach "T" by next spring. I might even reach my goal of finishing the whole thing before the 10's end!
Also, I really doubt native Minnesotan, Korey Cooper, is an LSU fan, but I'll use her purple and gold hair as a segue to a goodbye to my Tiger Stadium seats for the year...I'll miss you guys. See you next September!
