I Finally Beat Flashback
How ironic is it that I just spent ten years looking back at my
whole life and music collection, and now my first entry since finishing that is
for a game called Flashback?
Flashback is a cinematic platformer that was originally released for just about every console, computer, and device that could play a video game in the early 90's. I've always wanted to play through it, but felt stymied by its control system and difficultly. Several years ago, the game was remastered for the Nintendo Switch, and I've finally played through it. Here's a link to my (humorously captioned) review below. More serendipity and idiosyncrasy to come!
Flashback is a cinematic platformer that was originally released for just about every console, computer, and device that could play a video game in the early 90's. I've always wanted to play through it, but felt stymied by its control system and difficultly. Several years ago, the game was remastered for the Nintendo Switch, and I've finally played through it. Here's a link to my (humorously captioned) review below. More serendipity and idiosyncrasy to come!
