An Update on Upcoming Content, and Also a Cute Picture of One of My Cats

Drax loves you

I'll be completely honest and admit that finding direction for The Nicsperiment since the summer ended has been a little more difficult than I thought it'd be, just because the Herculean discipline I exacted in finishing my "Every Album I Own" series seems to have been partially dissipated by the end of that series. With that said, I have an absolute avalanche of content coming, starting tomorrow, and hopefully taking me to the end of the year, at which point, I will recalibrate. I really appreciate the fact that, despite that long-running series ending, I still seem to have readers. This has been one of The Nicsperiment's more productive years, as well. I've only surpassed 200 written pieces once in this site's nearly 17-year history (2012), but I'll be very surprised if I don't surpass that 200 mark for a second time, in this very, very strange 2021. Thanks for reading!


Graham Wall said…
That is a dashing cat! (And is that a bow tie I'm seeing?) :D
Yes! Which he tolerates, but I think does not enjoy.
robker said…
Here's a (less than) helpful idea: review every page of every book you own! That will get you some posts for the year! (My blog passed out, so I know what you're going through. No one noticed, though...)
That should keep me going to the grave! I figured your blog was just on a baby break--what if you came back and did write-ups on every five-episode block of Rebels?

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