For Filmshake The World Is Not Enough

Three James Bond films call the 1990s home, and we're covering the last of those--but our first. I am a huge Bond fan, quite familiar with each film, who never misses an entry. In the last week, to prepare for this episode, I rewatched The World Is Not Enough twice (after seeing it in the theater 25 years ago and already owning a physical copy), read the special Starlog magazine for the film from cover to cover, listened to the incredible David Arnold soundtrack innumerable times, and played the Nintendo 64 game tie-in from start to finish. My co-host went to New Orleans for the week, saw a Taylor Swift-themed burlesque show, came home, watched the film for the first time in his life, and then immediately picked up his microphone. This episode is unlike any James Bond film podcast ever recorded. I say that as a warning. Listen below at your own risk.