Skillet -- Ardent Worship

I'm not sure what it says for the art-form that 18 years later, Skillet's live recording, Ardent Worship, is still one of the better worship albums I've heard, but there it is. I've played various instruments in worship settings during essentially that entire amount of time, and if someone handed off another worship album to me that incorporated electronic and rock stuff this well, while never falling into the 3-straight low-tempo, ten-minute ballad mire that seems to afflict even the best acts, I'd be floored. Skillet learned a lot from, "Angels Fall Down," their attempt at a straight worship song at the end of their 2000 release, Invincible--namely that frontman, John Cooper, and keyboardist, Korey Cooper, have voices that were meant to sing together, and that Skillet can play a pretty good worship song. Ardent Worship, coming just six months later, features the most important worship music element, somehow fostering an environment of corporate togetherness adjoined with personal communion with the divine. Skillet balance uptempo tracks with ballads so that the album never falls into a lull. They keep the music interesting, with plenty of neat keyboard tricks, some fun guitar moments, and most importantly, John Cooper's honesty, enthusiasm, and charisma. Due to the general bland songwriting and musicianship featured in most worship albums, I have to cling to the small handful that I enjoy. In that context, Ardent Worship is vital.
Also a cool Skillet nerd moment: every band member past and present up to this point in Skillet's history performs on this recording.
2000 Ardent
1. Who Is Like Our God 5:15
2. Your Name Is Holy 5:05
3. How Deep the Father's Love for Us 4:08
4. Jesus, Jesus (Holy and Anointed One) 4:14
5. We're Thirsty 3:03
6. Jesus Be Glorified 4:38
7. Sing to the Lord 6:13
8. Angels Fall Down 7:28
9. Safe With You 4:53
10. Shout to the Lord 6:30