"W" is for Weezer

Weezer's had one of the weirdest careers in all of music. Their first album essentially became legendary almost as soon as it was released. Their second album was reviled as soon as it was released, then re-evaluated, then hailed as their best. Their third album, released as the second one was being re-evaluated, was a reaction against that second album. From then on out, every single one of their albums, and holy cow are there a lot of them, have been negatively compared against their first two. Every single one of them has elicited at least one critical response of "Their best since the first two," against the larger chorus of "Not as good as the first two." So what's the truth? Are any of the myriad albums Weezer have released since Y2K as good as the two albums they released before Y2K? Did any of what I just wrote make sense?Time to find out!
This rest of this May on the
Nicsperiment (mostly) belongs to Weezer!