Surprise, Motherhumpers, It's a Second January Filmshake, Featuring Tremors!

We're back before you even had a chance to miss us with our wormiest episode yet! It's 80-golden-minutes of Jordan Courtney and I talking about 1990's incredible Tremors, the greatest tribute to Pointe Coupee Parish that Hollywood could ever create. Besides showcasing Jordan's incredibly spot-on Kevin Bacon impersonation, this episode features a quick look at the blander than expired oatmeal 2012 remake of Total Recall. Why would someone try to recreate the 1990 greatness of the original in such a nondescriptly bland fashion? We don't know, but we're gonna sure make fun of it! The episode ends with a bitter and brutally quick trivia battle to determine whether Jordan gets out of his trivia slump, or if I will once again reign supreme, granting me the authority to force Jordan to watch yet another bad film...maybe one that's even worse than the 2012 Total Recall remake!
It's all in this incredible, Grabboid-packed episode of Filmshake!