Night of the Demons (2009 Remake)

2009 Seven Arts International
Directed by: Adam Gierasch; Written by: Adam Gierasch and Jace Anderson
Starring: Shannon Elizabeth, Monica Keena, Diora Baird, Michael Copon, Bobbi Sue Luther, John F. Beach, and Edward Furlong
MPAA Rating: R; Running TimeL: 93 Minutes
The Nicsperiment Score: 5/10
In 1925, Evangeline Broussard holds a seance and accidentally conjures seven demons who need seven human sacrifices to return to Earth and wreak havoc. To avoid being sacrificed, Evangeline offs herself. Her home then sits empty for nearly a century...until a bunch of horny, stupid teenagers throw a Halloween party in its dank halls. After the cops shut down the party, several partygoers find that they've somehow been stuck inside the house...and it's full of demons who want to possess them...and maybe eat them...and maybe have sex with turn them into demons...or something.
I don't think 1988's Night of the Demons needed a remake. Its two sequels are both already essentially remakes, and to be honest, it wasn't that great to begin with. The original is a weird, quirky low-budget horror flick that still manages to fall into most of the 80's horror cliches. Dumb horny kids get naked and get killed. It's exceedingly dumb, but pretty fun for most of its runtime and this remake isn't much different. Full of a weird 2009 flavor, this movie absolutely revels in garbage, fully utilizing its scummy New Orleans vibe, and featuring a digital grain in its darker scenes that almost gives the movie a throwback grindhouse vibe. It even somehow has the best soundtrack of any of these films, somehow pulling music from acts like Type O Negative and T.S.O.L. I don't want to give any suggestion that this movie is "good," though. It's trash and it knows it's trash. It's morally reprehensible and disgusting. It revels in base humor, over-the-top gore, and a Grand Canyon's worth of cleavage. It is a terrible movie, but I laughed out loud at least a handful of times, gleefully winced at its disgusting, classless gore, and was generally entertained, even as I yelled "this is so stupid!" at the screen a few times. But there are worse things. There are movies that are morally reprehensible, disgusting and absolutely mind-numbingly stupid, but NOT entertaining.